Turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, "Do
you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears and "You gave Me no kiss; but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss My feet. You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. "For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little." Then He said to her, "Your sins have been forgiven." Those who were reclining at the table with Him began to say to themselves, "Who is this and He said to the woman, your faith has saved you; go in peace."
1-but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 1 Corinthians 11:15. 2- My added by writer.

This sinful woman bowed down and gave You The Creator true worship. To enter Your Holy presence and lift You up in praise; glorifying, magnifying, and edifying Your Holy Name. Worship My Lord is your righteous requirement of us. If only we could daily come to You in loving worship as this outcast of respectable society.
Her tears washed your dusty feet in devotion. “My Savior I am so dirty, covered with shame, guilt, pride, lust, immorality, and sin. I am but a filthy rag not worthy to come near such holiness. Please My Lord cleanse me, pour thy sacred living water on me for I thirst for wholeness. I humbly give you Lord the only water that is worthy, my tears for they flow from my broken and contrite heart. "
Her hair dried your moist feet in adoration. “Before you Lord I had no loving covering. Only the shield of indifference blanket with a heart of stone. I covered myself with the only thing I knew abuse, addictions, lies, false confidence, mistrust, doubts and fears.” “Messiah, now I give you my only glory.”1
Her kisses bathed your feet in love. “I have bestowed kisses of deception. Kisses filled with bitterness and jealousy to lovers that belong not to me. Worthless, joyless, hopeless, and painful kisses have flowed from my cheating lips. My Beloved, I now render kisses of love, joy, hope, faith, and compassion upon the precious feet of my forever lover, the lover of my soul. "
Her costly precious perfume anointed your feet in worship. “Never my Lord have I ever poured out my best. Never have I given from my spirit, nor has my heart given with such unspeakable joy. Such love has never flowed from my secret place. The inner sanctuary known only to You my Lord created by you and for You only. Most Holy One I come to worship you, I was never created for this brokenness that has invaded my life. You never created me to experience this pain that is beyond measure. My Lord I come to worship You in wholeness, in completeness, in joyful oneness. I come to worship Jehovah Jireh, my provider, Jehovah Nissi, My Banner, Jehovah Rophe, My Healer, Jehovah Shalom, my Peace, Jehovah Mekadesh, my Sanctifier, and Jehovah Shammah my Jesus. I come to worship the one who knows the cost of the oil in my alabaster jar. "
He spoke not a word, as she loving pour out her love for Him. He humbly received her gift, while He quietly healed her of all sorrows. No word came from Him until she was judged.
Jesus then lovingly looked in her tear stained eyes and with great compassion
said “Woman your sins are forgiven, your faith has saved you go in My peace.” 2
Jesus then lovingly looked in her tear stained eyes and with great compassion
said “Woman your sins are forgiven, your faith has saved you go in My peace.” 2
1-but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 1 Corinthians 11:15. 2- My added by writer.
A beautiful reflection of GRACE!!!
In His Graces~Pamela
I stumbled upon your blog this morning. Very much like the six degrees of separation. I have several blogs I visit every day and I saw a new link on one of my friends and from there it lead me to yours. I have just entered the blogging arena myself in February of this year. I enjoyed your post very much. My sisters in Christ in my area have all begun to blog and have found it very interesting extension of our faith. It has opened up a new arena to share our faith and to have a bit of silliness every now and then as well.
When I read your posting I was reminded of a Women’s Retreat I attended at my church. One of our guest speakers that year was the director of the local co-opp in our community. She shared her testimony with us about how the Lord led her in her life to bring this co-opp into existence. One of the phrases she used that has stuck with me from all those years ago (the retreat was probably about 7 years ago) was: God can use a cracked vessel, but it must be a clean vessel.” She shared with all of us that it was her brokenness that lead her to where she was in her life of service. It was the process of cleaning out all the junk in her life and turning that life over to Christ that had given her life new meaning. It was the cleaning out of her broken vessel and having that vessel filled back up with Christ that transformed her life. That visual picture has always stuck with me. We all have brokenness in our lives. But with Christ He can come into that brokenness and fill up the cracks and clean them out. Only then are we transformed. I can be a broken vessel but I can also be transformed and cleansed into a useful tool that He can fill up with to overflowing.
When I read your post about the broken vessel I remembered so vividly that experience and I wanted to share my thoughts with you.
Welcome to the blogging community from a fellow sister in Christ.
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