God in His word tells us how we can receive His love. BE GODLY.
Godliness is a reflection of God’s character. I was created in His image so reflecting Him should be easy. What makes godliness difficult; my choice to look to the world for approval, and guidance rather than the One who I am seeking to mirror. Godliness is made difficult when I choose to ignore the urgings and teaching of the Holy Spirit. Godliness is easy when I allow myself to be filled with the word of God and when I allow that word to guide my every thought and all my actions. Godliness is possible when I ask the Lord to show me the way, to guide my steps along the path He has designed for me. Godliness is achievable when I ask the Father to teach me His truths and I listen and walk in those truths. I desire God's love, His unfailing love, His everlasting love and it is mine. It surrounds me as a shield and all I must do is walk in godliness.
Godliness is
•Righteous living. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:24
•Loving my neighbor as myself, looking to the needs of others
•Being truthful in all I do and speak, speaking life. The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain, Proverbs 10:11
•Speaking with gentleness and humbly to bring another believer back to the right path. Galatians 6:1
•Giving generously expecting nothing in return. The godly love to give. Proverbs 21:26
•Promoting peace and stomping out confusion and chaos. God blesses those who work for peace. Matthew 5:9
•Faithfulness to God as He is faithful to me. Pursue faithfulness 2 Timothy 2:22
•Having an attitude of forgiveness, forgiving all who trespass against me as God has forgiven me
•Being a source of encouragement. An encouraging word cheers a person up. Proverbs 12:25
•Purity, patience, kindness. We prove ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness by the Holy Spirit within us and by our sincere love. 2 Corinthians 6:6
•Contentment. Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. 1 Timothy 6:6
•The godly offer good counsel, they teach right from wrong. Psalm 37:30
•Integrity. The godly walk with integrity. Proverbs 20:7
The life of the godly is full of light and joy. Proverbs 13:9
Gracious Father it is our desire to be godly in all we do. Father we ask you to create in us a spirit of righteousness, give us a clean heart these will lead us to reflect Your great image. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray.
I needed this this morning. Hubby hurt my feelings yesterday and I needed these reminders to help me forgive. Thank you.
I also want to thank you for your music. I woke up this morning with a strange feeling...I went to bed kind of worried about something...knowing that I needed to let it go, I prayed over it and went to sleep. This morning, I still had a "spirit of opression" and I could not even really pray or study. I just asked God to help me and then He brought me here this morning after breakfast. The song, "I love to worship you" swept over my soul this morning and released this feeling; allowing me to enter into His presence and just worship. Thank you for this selection.
God bless you!!
How I love to read your post!
I usually have my sound off when reading a post because the music makes it hard for me to concentrate
But when Amanda mentioned the worship song, I turned it on. I stopped reading to listen. How beautiful!
This morning I was on my deck a few minutes after day break and I went over the "A New. ." that I printed off from your post. And there is a song that comes to mind
after I finish. I can't remember the last two lines, so I just have to hum it but here are the words"
"Oh, let my life be to thy praise Oh Father,
In all I do that thou be glorified,
Thou knewest me before the world's foundation,
In life or death
That thou be glorified.
To glorify Thee
This is my plea
Work out thy purpose
Thy will for me
A yielded vessel
Dear Lord to thee,
Maybe the words will come to me later. .
Great post! I love how you included the scriptures with the attributes of Godliness.
Have a great weekend!
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