Today I want to give thanks for one of my greatest joys, my daughter Kye who celebrated her 13th Birthday on the 19th. I give thanks to God for allowing her to celebrate another birthday. I give thanks to God because He created a very precious jewel for His crown and she is a jewel in my life. She keeps me grounded in many ways and have helped me learn not to sweat the small stuff. She is my biggest encouragement as I pursue an intimate relationship with God as I want to set an example for her and I want to leave a legacy of walking with and knowing Christ.
I give hallelujah thanks today to God because this summer I have seen her begin to grow closer to God, she has come to understand God wants a relationship with her and she is pursuing Him. To God I give the glory for the work He has begun in her which I know He will see to completion. I give thanks to God because He has held her close this past year as she has had to deal with some decisions I made regarding our place of worship. During this time she has taught me something about obedience. I give thanks today because God found me worthy to be trusted with His precious child. He trusted me to bring her up with the right values and morals. He trusted me to teach her about His great love, to reverence and love Him. As I think back on the first moment I held her in my arms and realized the awesome responsibility I had been given, I feel no less in awe today. All I can say is thank You Lord.
Please visit more thankful thurdays
May God always bless your precious daughter.
Hi Sistah!! ((( Hugz)))
Please tell Kye Happy Birthday from " Aunty Lorie" in Hawaii (smile). I need to do my blog rounds. My husband and I will be leading praise and worship for a weekend church family camp at the end of this month where a lot of churches and their families gather for a fun filled weekend in fellowship, so we have been practicing. Your daughter is so blessed to have you, a Godly mom who totally loves the Lord. Thanks for checking on me. I said to my hubby I better go check in with my sistah, he smiled!!
Hugz Lorie
happy birthday, kye! God bless you and your family, God chaser.
Belated happy birthday to your daughter. May she have more birthdays to come.
Here's where I wrote the things I was thankful for this week. Hope you can drop by. I will be very thankful if you do.
happy bday to your beautiful daughter (haven't seen her, but i'm very sure she's indeed beautiful, may she continue to grow in the knowledge of God and of His grace.
Tell her happy birthday and that my nephew was born on her birthday! We were so excited! May God's blessings be upon you both. Happy Thankful Thursday!
Wonderful post. Happy TT!
Happy Birthday Kye----& mannny moreeeeeee
Great Post from a proud mama! It sounds like our papa is very proud of you. And your daughter must feel so blessed to have such an awesome christian MOM!!
Huggs & blessings to all
She Shares her special day with me also.. mine is also on the 19th.
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