Today I am thankful for the word of God
I am thankful for corporate Bible study, sharing with others, learning from others.
I am thankful for a godly teacher anointed by God to teach the word and help me see the word deeply and not just on the surface I am thankful for Wednesday where I can spend time at the feet of Jesus as He gifts others to feed me spiritually.
I am thankful for spiritual food.
I am thankful I can read God’s word.
I am thankful because God didn’t leave me to die in my sin, but lovingly sent His Son for me.
•All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV
More thankful thurdays
My favorite teacher, Carol, was my favorite because she taught me to study the Bible for myself. What a wonderful gift, and thanks for reminding me to give thanks for her!
Yes God Chaser...Yours is much deeper
but we clearly share a resemblance!
I am blessed that the Holy Spirit is weaving a work! I love the depth of your gratitude for His Word! I see the anointing of a godly teacher to be very important! But without the Holy Spirit's power & revelation, the Word would not breathe life into our dry bones! Praise God! Thank You Lord that Your Word is inspired and revealed to us through the Holy Spirit!
Bless you my sister in the Lord for sharing your thankful list and a visit to my place to confirm His Word & bless me with what you have received!
What a lovely thankful post! Thank you for sharing. Remain blessed!
you are loved, God chaser. blessings to you. ♥
Thank God for His Words and the preachers/teachers He sends to help us understand His Words, so that we may know Him, grow in Him and walk in His ways. His Words are so precious. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and have a blessed day!
Great TT list. I'm so thankful for His word that is alive and active. Blessings to you!
What a beautiful tribute to God's Holy Word. I love this post!
Happy TT to you!
Mentors are wonderful. I love being under the teaching of godly women and men...
God's Word is most definitely the theme of today's TT! Where would any of us be without it!? And where would any of us be without the godly influence of teachers who dedicate themselves to helping us read it, understand it and apply it? Thank you for this reminder!
Bless You!
Clinging to His word every day! Be blessed.
What a lovely TT - blessings to you in the week ahead!
I love seeing how the Holy Spirit speaks truths to each of us and through us to make His point clear!
Have a blessed day!
In His amazing grace,
Oh Amen! The Word of God is so precious. How wonderful you are exposed to so much Godly teaching. May you continue to grow in His grace and truth.
I have a prayer update on my blog about our friend Denise - Shortybear.
Have a blessed weekend.
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