He is our shelter, He is our refuge, and He is our peace. He is the place we go when the storm is raging all about. …You are my strength, the Lord is my rock, my fortress and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psalm 18 1-2. The storm does not always go away when we desire. Sometimes God leaves us in the storm, because He is growing and preparing us for an assignment, as He was preparing David to be king of Israel. He may even leave us in the storm to see if we will get the lesson and sometimes we are left in the storm because of our disobedience and desire to have things our way and believe we can run from God as Jonah ran and found himself in the midst of a raging storm and was left in the fish because he wanted God to destroy the people of Nineveh, forgetting God was God. Sometimes we are left in the storm because we need to know God is our source. Leah was in the storm of unloved for a long time but when she put her trust in God and recognized He was her source of love, she was lovingly blessed with children. The storm sometimes continues to rage because God’s great Name must receive the glory. Twelve years a woman bleed. She could get no help from earthly doctors, but when the heavenly doctor came on the scene she received her healing and God was glorified as the Great Physician. (See Luke 8:40-48) BUT even in the midst of the storm He will bring us comfort and will calm our fears. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; John 14:16 It is in the midst of the storm we can most often feel His glorious peace. Is it not amazing how God takes care of us even when He is allowing us to go through trails, uncertainty and doubt? Is it not amazing that it is in the storms we get to really know the Might of the God we serve? Is it not amazing to know that sometimes when God says “Peace be Still” He is not talking to the storm but to His daughter.
Please go to the 160 acre woods for more WFW
Amen, Willnette! The Lord is our Rock, our Fortress, our Savior, Our Shield and our place of Safety! He can deliver us from the storms in our life or He can work His good for us in and through them. Even in the midst of the storm He will bring us comfort and will calm our fears. What a great comfort! Thanks for sharing this very encouraging verses with us. Thank you for your prayers for Emily and me. Thanks for all your encouragements. May God keep you near to Him and bless you abundantly, dear sister!
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Go look at the other WFW - we have a common theme that God has knit together. WOW!
Be blessed today!
Love in Him - Jill
This is good, Amen.. It is great to know that through our storms, he never will leave us, nor forsake us. He is such an awesome friend.
Many blessings to you
Oh, I needed this so much today! Thank you. Thank you.
I needed this today! Thank you so much!
Sing it! I love how God is all these things to us, just when we need them. He is Mighty to Save, isn't He? Amen! Happy WFW!
Ok The Lord has something for me today..... all these WFW post on Life Storms, Be Still, and Comfort. Whew..... Thanks for this.
Thank you for your prayers. I can't believe I'm actualy reading and typing this. The technique for this type of surgery has changed so much. The doctor that did my surgery was great and he even prayed with me before I went in. I knew he was a Christian because he used to come to our church. He and his nurse were so thoughtful and made sure I was comfortable before he started since I have a rod in my neck and 3in my back.
Again, thanks for your prayers,
I'm so thankful for the Comforter and knowing that we don't have to weather storms on our own. Blessings to you!
This is so touching, bless you.
Amazing and blessed words of wisdom!
Thank you God Chaser for such a profound statement! I'm glad that in the storm, HE CALMS me...I really like what you said that the "Peace be still..." may not be for the rage of the storm but me(or whomever)Thanks for the rich scripture verses and message for my soul! I do not want to be a Broken Vessel but His Masterpiece!
Happy WFW!
That was a really neat post, thank you for sharing.
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