I am Grateful!
Wonderful Father, thank you for this day, I shall rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you my Lord for bringing me to a spacious place, a place of joy and love, a place of knowing. Lord you have shown me Yourself and your care for me, even my tiniest need. In You I have found a new hope and a new strength. Thank You my Lord for the plans You have for me, plans not to harm me but to give me a hope and a future. Thank you Lord Thy God for the journey You have shared with me these beginning months of a new year. You have lead me, You have motivated me, You have manifested Thy Holy Spirit in me, Lord I I am grateful. You have been there for me even in y weakest moments. When I was slipping You pulled me up and put me back on track. Your love is unfailing.
Father God Your mercy endures forever. You showered Your grace and mercy on my mother by blessing her with another birthday, thank You. I thank You dear God for giving her a true servant heart and for Your continual care of my house through her. Thank You Lord for all of my family and Thy blessings of love through them; Your kindness and compassion is ever flowing. Thank You for putting my niece on a good path. Thank You Lord God of Heaven and earth for my job You are forever my Source. Father I magnify Your Holy Name, You are God who is able to do all things, upon You I can cast all my cares. In You I can place all my trust I can count on You Lord. Gracious is my God, forever shall Thy praise be upon my lips.

Thank You Adonai, my Lord.
Thank You ELOHIM, My power and might.
Thank You JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, my ever present Lord.
Thank You JEHOVAH-ROHI, my Shepherd.
Thank You JEHOVAH-JIREH, my Provider.
Thank You Jehovah, my Lord.
Thank You EL-ROI, God who sees me.
Thank You EL-ELYON, Most High God.
In Jesus loving and saving Name I pray. Amen
Please visit Women taking a stand for more inspiring Thankful Thursdays
When I was slipping You pulled me up and put me back on track. Your love is unfailing.
Amen.. Amen.. Amen... Happy TT
Amen to this precious post.
Happy birthday to your mom. I am so glad things are going well for you. You are a true blessing.
What a beautiful TT post. It draws me in to the loving arms of Christ. Happy TT! -Laurie
You are God who is able to do all things, upon You I can cast all my cares. In You I can place all my trust I can count on You Lord. Gracious is my God, forever shall Thy praise be upon my lips. --- AMEN!
happy birthday to your dear mom. blessings...
What a beautiful well written Thank You to our Lord, I felt pouring from your heart. We can count on him at all times especially when we have gone off track, he knows thats when we need him the most.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!! :)
Have a beautiful and blessed day my friend :)
Beautiful! I love reading and praying the names of God, truly He IS everything we need.
Great post of thanksgiving!
How precious your prayer is. Blessings and Happy Thankful Thursday!
A wonderful post. . . the other day during my quiet time, I made no requests only praises. I usually do a combination of both - but just focusing on one was tremendous. It made me realize how much God has done - even in those things I usually pray for – I realized how much He had answered those prayers.
I love the idea of setting a day aside to just be thankful. Thank you for sharing all He has done in your life.
Stirring the Deep
Oh my goodness gracious, I just prayed your post over myself...that was AWESOME precious one..thank you for pouring your thankfulness to the Lord like that,,it really ministered and blessed me.
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