Today I give thanks to my God who goes before me and prepare my way. God who always know what is before me and in His loving kindness makes my way a delight, a surprise and most often He keeps me in awe. I give thanks to my God who never ceases to amaze me.
I give thanks to my God who is great, bigger than anything I can imagine. In His bigness not only is He involved in my little world but the world of all His children.
I give thanks to my God whose favors me with His mercy every morning. His mercy takes me from glory to glory.
I give thanks to my God who sets high and looks low, He keeps His eyes forever on us. Not for a moment does He stop looking at us.
I give thanks to my God who will not let me fall, but grab hold of my hand every time I stumble.
I give thanks for my God who keeps me safe in whom I can put all my trust.
I give thanks for a God in whom I can rest; laying upon Him all my burdens, there is no burden He cannot handle.
I give thanks to my God
I give thanks to my God who is Holy and who is growing me in holiness.
My God thank You for filling my little girl with Yourself daily drawing her closer to You.

Please go to Sting My Heart for more Thankful Thursdays
You have such a beautiful, thankful heart. Bless you.
Amen to this beautiful thankful list! They are the echo of my heart too. Truly there are so many things to be thankful for in the Lord for what He has done for us and is doing for us and in us. Thanks for sharing this very encouraging post and your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!
That was beautiful! Blessings to you.
I thank God for You!!
Thanks for sharing your thankful heart!
Have a great day!
Thanks for visiting my blog today... Blessings to you on this Thursday!!
Great blog, Wil! I love the way you are so at ease with the Lord. You don't struggle with prayer at all. You are perfectly confident in the God to whom you pray. Such great fellowship with the Father. I love to read your blogs!
God bless you more, God chaser. bless your thankful heart.
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