My God You are my refuge. I trust in you and I am safe. You rescue me from hidden traps, shielding me from deadly hazards. Your huge outstretched arms protect me - under them I am perfectly safe; your arms fend off all harm. I fear nothing because God you are my refuge, the High God my very own home, Evil can't get close to me, harm can't get through the door. You Lord have ordered your angels to guard me wherever I go. If I stumble, they will catch me; their job is to keep me from falling. "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you. Psalm 91
Lord You heard my call and you rescued me when I felt hopeless and all alone, despair surrounding me. When I felt unloved, drowning in my sorrows, walking in doubt and confusion Your arms held me close. You drew me into Your arms when my confidence was failing unable to fine peace. Alone I lacked strength and You picked me up and held me in Your strong arms, Your everlasting arms. Oh my Lord in Your arms I feel safe and loved. You are my everlasting help.
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What a beautiful Psalm and wonderful promise to us!
He is there to comfort us and protect us! To shield us and guide us from harm.
May this Psalm touch the souls of all who read it today! Thank you for sharing it and praying along with you in His name!
I am so thankful that God is my refuge and I can trust in Him! Psalm 91 is very encouraging. Thank you for sharing with us. Thanks for visiting my post and your encouraging comment. Thank you for participating in my first give-away. Your feedback is very encouraging and precious. Take care and may God bless you always!
There is no better refuge! Blessings to you!
Praise the Lord for all of His mercies...especially His refuge! How we need Him!
Happy WFW...Blessings to you!
Beautiful Psalm and picture. I have breathed that prayer more than once, my friend. Our God is faithful! Happy WFW!
This touched my heart, thank you.
Oh what an awesome picture!! Just to think of God holding me like that!!
Blessings to you this WFW♥
I just love the Psalms, they are where I always go for comfort and reassurance. That picture is just amazing too. I love thinking of being carried by the Lord like that, such peace.
This post just moved me. I can't tell you. The whole theme of your blog about ministering to women and making them whole. I am so grateful that I found you! (and that you visited me as well!)
I am speaking these very words to HIM daily in light of the captivity He has recently freed me from.
Thanks for sharing.
This is a wonderful Psalm, and it shows what promises he has for us. He is our comforter, he offers peace, he wants to reach down deep into our souls. Great post, Thanks!
Blessings God Chaser~Wilnette...I love your artwork you use and Psalm 91 is my favorite for guarding me & people in wars such as our soldiers!
Praise the Lord, my Rock & my Refuge! In Him, alone, I trust! I'm so thankful that when I stumble, He never fails to catch me or send in His angels as guardians. Since I am out of my "home country", I depend on My Lord constantly to defend. He is my rescue at all times as He keeps me safe & out of trouble.
Thank you for your visit last WFW!
I'm catching up as I can!
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