Father God my heart and my soul give thanks for these moments of quiet. Lord I invite you into my heart and into this time. I give thanks for Your Holy Presence. Guide me O Lord to a greater knowledge of You. Please reveal Yourself to me, and when I leave this place let me go in celebration of Your goodness and kindness to me. Empty me Lord and Let me go filled with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen
Psalm 145
A psalm of praise of David
I will praise you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever.
I will bless you every day, and I will praise you forever.
Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery!
Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts.
I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles.
Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness.
of your righteousness.
The LORD is kind and merciful, slow to get angry, full of unfailing love.
The LORD is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. All of your works will thank you, LORD, and your faithful followers will bless you.
They will talk together about the glory of your kingdom; they will celebrate examples of your power.
They will tell about your mighty deeds and about the majesty and glory of your reign.
For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule generation after generation.
The LORD is faithful in all he says; he is gracious in all he does.
The LORD helps the fallen and lifts up those bent beneath their loads.
All eyes look to you for help; you give them their food as they need it.
When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.
The LORD is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness.
The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him sincerely.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them.
The LORD protects all those who love him, but he destroys the wicked.
I will praise the LORD, and everyone on earth will bless his holy name forever and forever.

What do you learn of God in these verses?
What characteristics does God possess?
How long is the kingdom of God?
Who is God close to? Who does He protect?
How does your heart feel when you think about all God is?
What is God speaking to your heart right now? What pain is He healing? What hurts are being sooth? What fears are being erased?
As a follower of God what will you do in response to all you learn of God in these verses? What will you mediate on? What will you seek to change?
Your Personal Prayer
Offer God a prayer about your desires after reading this psalm. Praise God, telling Him how He has applied these verses to your life; remind God how He has blessed you. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into worship. Sing a song to God. Write a psalm of love and thanks. Declare His majesty and splendor.
Thank you for sharing Psalm 145. It is a very encouraging Psalm. God is truly most worthy of praise and His greatness is beyond discovery! Take care and may God grant you a very blessed week!
Sweet Sister, I am so Thankful for all God does for me, He keeps me protected, he surprises me every now and then, he keeps me in peace when I am in need. He is my Prince of Peace! I will think about this for the rest of the day.
Blessings to you
His Sis..
I wanted to tell you I'll be away till Sunday and I wanted to ask for your prayers as I lead the Spiritual Warfare workshop and worship. I know you will and I thank you for your sisterhood and for being such a woman of God who knows how to pursue the passion of God's power in her life..
Luv ya and I'll check back when I'm Home.. Lorie
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