Rejoice! Rejoice! Oh my sister Rejoice, the Lord our God so loves you. So desires to give you good pleasures, So desires to have you close to His heart He has engraved you on the palm of His hand. He promises never to forget you. No matter what you are facing today rest assured God has your back. Every wall that comes up against you, He has already seen and has already devised a plan to tear it down. Don’t worry, don’t doubt, don’t despair, Your God has you in the palm of His hand, how awesome is this, how reassuring? Though you may be feeling all alone and forgotten you are not for God Himself says “I will not forget you”. No matter how it may appear, you must trust in God and remember all the times He has come through for you. Look to David who often felt abandoned by God, but turned to praise and prayer rather than despair because He understood how God works.
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What a powerful image: to be engraved on the hand of God. Thanks for sharing!
I am humbled by this message and so very grateful. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Blessings to you today!!
This is one of my favorite verses. Thank you for sharing it with us today. Blessings!
What wonderful words of encouragement today. Blessings to you!
Amen! He is loves us so much to leave us where we are! Awesome picture and verse. Great post, too.
poweful image and amazing verse...to be engraved on His hands...sends chills down my spine. How He loves us!
Blessings to you.
What a beautiful verse, and one I needed to hear today. The picture to go with it is perfect too!
Thank you for such a good and powerful word! Blessings...Wilnette!
These words fill me with humility,
strength and gratitude!The Verse you chose from Isaiah and the graphic are awesome! I REJOICE!Let the walls come down and the Lord's Word protect me.
Thank you Lord that I can take my eyes off the circumstances and trust You for a victorious battle! God bless you & enjoy WFW & your week!
I am so thankful that He has engraved me on the palm of His hand! It is a comfort that He never forgets me and I can trust all into His hands. Thanks for sharing this comforting verses with us!
take your eyes off the wall....
boy that's a big one! great post!
That very scripture was in my heart this morning. To see it here now is a real blessing to me. I just love coming here.
Love, Debra
It's all about taking that despair immediately to HIM!! I'm learning this over and over...thanks for a reminder.
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